Mid-Week Message from Fr. Gerard - June 2, 2021

Confessions (3:00 -- 3:45 P.M.) are Saturday in the Garden of the Religious Education Center.

Weekend Masses: SA 4 P.M., SU 8 A.M., and SU 10 A.M

Daily Mass at 8 A.M.: M, TU, W (Fr. Gerard, Presider); Th and F (Msgr. Bill) (no Mass on Saturday)

Video of Mass https://www.ourladyofrefuge.org ; From the homepage, select “Videos”

Masks are required for all over the age of 3 on parish grounds.


Dear Friends, 


As summer nears, a return to normalcy seems to be within our reach. Families are planning getaways and get-togethers. Beaches, lakes and swimming pools are once again open. Youth sports are back on the schedule. The summer months ahead promise to be busy – and this can slow down our parish offertory at Our Lady of Refuge. You can help us turn the tide!


Sunday, June 20, 2021 is not only the first day of summer and Fathers’ Day, it’s also National eGiving Day -- a time to encourage parish families to sign up for eGiving and consistently sustain our ministries throughout the summer and all year long.  To build steady support for our parish, I am setting a National eGiving Day Challenge. My goal is for 25 Our Lady of Refuge families to switch to eGiving through Faith Direct and help power our ministries so we can continue to do our best for our parish families and for those in need in our community.


This is a way for you to simplify your giving and help provide our parish with consistent support month after month. That’s especially important during the summer, when many families may be out of town some weekends and won’t receive their envelopes. This can cause our weekly offertory to fluctuate -- making it harder to predict how much we can budget for our year-round ministries.


The more families who welcome the beginning of summer by taking this National eGiving Day Challenge, the more consistent and predictable our offertory will be each month -- and this will help us do even more to spread Christ’s love throughout the community.


Being part of this challenge is simple: you can do so by visiting the OLR enrollment page at:  https://membership.faithdirect.net/enroll/CA966


I ask you to give eGiving your prayerful consideration so we can continue to help those who thirst for the love and acceptance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  May God bless you and your loved ones this summer and throughout the year.


In His name,

Fr. Gerard


The CDC’s easing of Covid-19 restrictions has not removed the requirements to wear a mask and continue social distancing at Mass. The CDC’s guidance serves as a series of recommendations, but state and local authorities can impose stricter requirements based on circumstances. When the Archdiocese updates its protocols, we will inform you. Please continue to follow the directions of our ushers and greeters.


Metal detector: We are seeking a metal detector in the parish. Does anyone have one we can borrow?Johanna Raab, who recently celebrated her 95th birthday and who lost her only son Bernie to Covid over last summer, lost her wedding rings during the week in her garden. She is devastated; please pray we find them for her. A metal detector might trace them in her garden. Please contact the rectory at (562) 498-6641 or Fr. Gerard at [email protected] 


Mary Ellen Faubert loaned her late husband Deacon Roger Faubert's diaconate stoles to transitional Deacon Justin Ordoveza, who will be ordained to the priesthood next June. Mary Ellen was also Justin’s 2nd grade teacher.


Virtual Retreat: Don't miss Sacred Heart Retreat House’s LAST retreat for the season (June 4-6) complete with LIVE Zoom Sessions with Father Jeremiah! Father Jeremiah Shryock, in the spirit of St. Francis, has a unique gift of teaching us how to follow Jesus in practical, real, and concrete ways. Give God the space to work in your heart – to recenter, refocus, refresh you. Allow Jesus to truly be the center of your heart. The cost is $20, but they are offering a SPECIAL 2-for-1 deal! Register with a friend and use code: TOGETHER. https://sacredheartretreathouse.com/events/060421/?source=500cap


Covid-19 Vaccinations: Effective immediately, the City of Long Beach is vaccinating anyone 12 years and older. Parental consent is required for individuals under 18 years of age.

CDC INFO Contact Center (800) 232-4636 (800-CDC-INFO)

The City of Long Beach http://www.longbeach.gov/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/coronavirus/vaxlb/

CVS www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine or 800-746-7287

Ralphs www.ralphs.com/covidvaccine 

Rite Aid www.riteaid.com/pharmacy/covid-qualifier

Walgreens www.walgreens.com/schedulevaccine.

Long Beach Memorial https://mymemorialcarecovid.memorialcare.org/MyChart/covid19#

Orange County https://www.othena.com/

Southern California Kaiser 866-454-8855 or https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine

Primary Care Providers


OLR Church Office (562) 498-6641    9:30 A.M. -- 2 P.M. (M-F)

5195 Stearns Street, Long Beach, CA 90815-2901

OLR website -- https://www.ourladyofrefuge.org

Betty Guevara, Parish Secretary -- [email protected]

Shirl Giacomi, Director of Religious Education -- [email protected]

(562) 597-3102           9 A.M. -- 3 P.M. (M-F)

Donnie Green, OLRS Principal -- [email protected]

OLR Catholic School -- (562) 597-0819     7:30 A.M. -- 3 P.M. (M-TH), 7:30 A.M. -- 1 P.M. (F)

5210 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach, CA  90815

Team Refuge -- Holly Cavallaro, Coordinator (562) 822-9191

Faith Direct -- https://membership.faithdirect.net/enroll/CA966 ; or the app Faith Direct – eGiving for Churches. To securely make a one-time gift to Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, text a dollar amount to (562) 414-6831.

Realm -- https://onrealm.org (to access your account) or the app Connect – our Church Community, ACS Technology Group (Realm Connect)