Child Protection
VIRTUS®: Protecting God's Children
Protecting God's Children
Our Lady of Refuge remains committed to protecting children and all others from any form of abuse, in particular, child sexual abuse and protecting against child and sexual predators. In cooperation with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Our Lady of Refuge participants in the VIRTUS® Program that requires all parish and school staff, ministers, and volunteers are screened, receive training, maintain certification, and get fingerprinted. Additional information about VIRTUS® can be found on the VIRTUS® website.
For further information about the VIRTUS® Programs and training here at Our Lady of Refuge, please contact: [email protected]
You may also contact the Office of Religious Education at 562-597-3102, or you access the VIRTUS® web site for more information or registration. On the web site Our Lady of Refuge is part of the "Los Angeles - San Pedro Region"
Fingerprinting Schedule
For your convenience the Archdiocese of Los Angeles offers fingerprinting on a rotating basis in each of its Pastoral Regions. Our Lady of Refuge is part of the San Pedro Region. Use these schedules to find a fingerprinting location, date, and time that is most convenient:
Archdiocese Fingerprinting Schedule