Religious Education
Living in faith and growing in faith is a lifelong journey. We are never finished discovering more about God through the people we meet and through our experiences. Our Lady of Refuge has many opportunities to grow in faith. Teaching our children is an excellent way to enhance our own faith.
Elementary (1st-5th Grades) meets twice a month Monday Evenings at 6:15 P.M.-7:30 P.M. The Finding God series is used. This series focuses on making disciples of Jesus (love of God, self and neighbor), discovering Jesus and what He taught us by His life, celebrating community through the Catholic Church and appreciating and using the talents and gifts they've been given for the sake of others.
Junior High Program (6th-8th Grades) Our dynamic Jr. High Catechist Team employ the best teaching approaches for middle schoolers. They combine music and rich discussion on pertinent topics for developing teens. Jr. High fun nights are also a part of this curriculum. They meet twice a month on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm.
Sacramental Preparation
Reconciliation and Eucharist is a two-year preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Because sacramental life is really a family event, children meet 6 times each preparation year with a parent. These meetings are in addition to their regular religious education classes held on Monday evenings (6:15-8:00 P.M.). Children and parents in OLRS also attend the two-year program. After the two-year program, the children receive First Communion in the Spring.
Confirmation is a two year preparation program. Students usually begin preparation in 9th grade and are confirmed in 10th grade. Sessions are led by a team of catechists and small groups. Issues of discipleship, social justice, morality, forming consciences are just a few of the topics addressed. Meets twice a month on Tuesdays - 7:00 P.M.- 8:30 P.M.
Confirmation 1 Retreat is a one day retreat held locally. This retreat reinforces the values that they have been learning and prepares them to direct their focus on their final year of Confirmation preparation.
Confirmation 2 Retreat is a mandatory offsite retreat. This is a deep dive into the second year candidates developing relationship with the Lord. The retreat addresses their desire and commitment to be confirmed in the Catholic Church. The fee covers the facility, meals, and transportation.
Cornerstone is a peer ministry leadership group that facilitates the Confirmation candidates' activities and conversations. This is a great opportunity for confirmed juniors, seniors and young adults to continue their own faith journey while assisting others on their journey. Applications are submitted to the Director of Religious Education in the Spring.
Children/Youth who are wanting to receive their Sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist and/or Confirmation) and are not in the usual age group will be assessed and placed in an appropriate program. Call Shirl, DRE (562) 597-3102 to see what arrangements can be made.
For registration and payment fees please see:
We plant seeds that will one day grow
We water seeds already planted, knowing they hold future promise