Please find below and attached more information in English and Spanish on ALIVE and how to purchase tickets to see it in on April 25.  Show your support for this Catholic film and evangelization opportunity by seeing ALIVE with your friends, family, neighbors and others looking to encounter Christ in their lives. Also, please feel free to share this information widely through your parishes, schools and ministries online and on social. Parishes may also want to use this as an opportunity to promote a Eucharistic Revival in your community.


Together we can create a movement with this movie by doing the following?


  • SHARE this email with your Archdiocesan priests, religious and leaders and let them know ALIVE is coming to the LA Archdiocese and the Diocese of Orange!
  • POST the attached local LA/OC MEME to your social media using hashtag #AliveTheMovie and get people excited to know that this is coming to theaters (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • ORGANIZE a group for a group movie outing and invite your pastor, adoration chapel friends, friends in ministry and most especially those who are far off and need to know the power of God in the Eucharist! (find your theater at AliveTheMovement.com 
  • GET PERSONAL with a video post about how the Eucharist has transformed your life and tag the film 
  • INSPIRE others with this Q and A featuring the founder of Bosco Films >HERE

Thank you and may God’s Blessing be with all of you and your families this Easter Season.